Thursday, February 17, 2011

News Class - International Coffee Time

Madonna University has started a new program called International Friendship Program. The goal behind the program is to partner up an International Madonna student with an American Madonna student so they can learn about each other's cultures and become friends.

The first meeting of the program was referred to as International Coffee Time. The partners met each other, and found out many important things about one another.

For my news assignment, I went down there and filmed the meeting. Everyone involved were very nice and accommodating, even though there was a camera directly in front of the them from time to time. The meeting started with the partners introducing one another. After they had their direct conversations, the entire group introduced their partners to everyone else. The meeting ended with the group learning the Chinese New Year song.


The followup assignment involved a re-edit of the original, but shortened for length. A requirement of the shorter piece was to use new footage as best as I could. That worked out well because my partner, fellow Madonna student Karlyn Eck, and I filmed everything that we possibly could during the meeting.


One of the biggest challenges shooting the meeting was the amount of light that was in the room. I had to do a lot of color correcting so things didn't appear so blown out. Next time though, I want to plan ahead by adjusting the settings on the camera so I wouldn't need to do a lot of color correcting. The audio came out pretty good, expect I had to raise the audio levels in the shorter piece to hear the partners talk among one another, since they were not individually mic'd.

I am very happy with the turnout of both pieces. I got pretty excited when I found the shot of an Asian student clapping with a big smile on her face at the end of the extended video. It was a great shot to end on.

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