Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Clayman Casting

Another video that I did for my Capstone Film Class at Madonna University. I filmed our casting directors and talked to them about the casting procedure involved with our film. I went with my reoccurring theme of 8-Bit with the music and graphics.

I used b-roll footage from prior in the day when we had actors visit and read for parts. I also had the casting directors "act" during the b-roll to give me the dramatic elements I wanted.


If I could redo this video, I would remove the repeated uses of "uhs" from the interview. I worked on it when I was editing the piece, but I just couldn't take out the words without hurting the pacing of the speech. I used with what I learned from this video, and applied to a future video (The Positive Train) when I went between two cameras to make the speech flow better.

Clayman Storyboards

This is a video that I did for my Capstone Film Class at Madonna University. It is about the storyboard sessions between the director of our student film and our storyboard artist, as well as our production designer. All the students featured in the video were from the Capstone Film Class.


Trying to make a storyboard video interesting, I strived for creative shots, such as the pencil sharper shot. Unlike my "What does Clayman mean to us?" video, I went for more of a news piece and went for what the Sony AX-2000 camera does best - news pieces.

What Does Clayman Mean to Us?

This is a video that I did for my Capstone Film Class at Madonna University. We started a funding campaign on IndieGoGo, and this was the introduction video to the team from the class.

I wanted to do a theme of "8-bit", so I did a combination of funky camera angles and music to introduce each person of the team.

I filmed this video with a Sony AX-2000, and I did extreme closeups during the interviews to get a shallow depth of field with the camera. I love the camera, but a drawback is the camera is primarily for news, and it's hard to achieve a shallow depth of field with the given sensor in the camera.

A Timely Meeting

This was a film that I need for the PAHFest Motown 2011 competition. The purpose of the contest was to create a film that embraced local culture and educated people. My partner, Caitlin, and I decided to make a short film that told the story of a boy who was moving from the historical town of Northville, and couldn't wait to get out. We researched our idea quite heavily, meeting with local historians to gather as much information that we could about Northville. After we got our research, we collaborated on an idea that encompassed education plus a supernatural-like theme to it. Our idea was the boy got visited by another boy who was passing through, and the visiting boy told of the places in Northville and its history - history that would be fun to hear about. The film ended with the reveal that the visiting boy was the grandfather, helping his grandson appreciate where he came from.

We shot and edited the film over the course of five days. We location scouted before, so we knew what areas we wanted to shoot in. For example, the day we were at the Northville Downs racetrack, we asked for permission to shoot there, and the owner was more than willing to allow us on the track.


The most creative shot we had in the video was that of the camera following the ball as it rolled down the street. We used gaffer's tape and taped the camera to a scooter and pushed the scooter along the ball, trying our best to keep the ball in frame. After a number of takes, we got a few that worked pretty well.

The major drawback during the week was the equipment given to us. We shot "A Timely Meeting" on a Canon T3i DSLR, and it's a great camera for taking video, but not the best for recording audio. Caitlin and I worked tirelessly in Soundtrack Pro to make the audio sound the best with what was given to us.

Caitlin and I won Most Artistic Achievement Award for this film at the closing ceremonies of PAHFest Motown 2011.